So travelling to Monterrey Mexico for the YOG qualifying race is fairly good with a few minor bumps. Took the ferry over to Vancouver last night and got in a great meal and a decent sleep. Up at 5:30am and off to Vancouver International. Even with the 100% search in customs (brook and I got to go through the crazy machine that x-rays you!) we had time for coffee (important*!) and brekky before our first flight that was 4 hours. I was falling in and out of sleep for almost half the flight and between eating and reading for the other half time seemed to “fly” by. In Dallas we had about 2 hours which was just enough time to stretch our legs, get another coffee and more food. The clerk of one the of tourist stores we were wondering in was so chatty and asked why we were going to Mexico. I said “for a triathlon race” he replied “oh my friend is doing Boston this year”. I haven’t been in this sport that long and I can count more than a few times when I have said “triathlon” and whoever I am talking to thinks “marathon”. He he...anyways then off on flight #2 (last one) that was only supposed to be 1.5hrs. Before I know it we start to make our descent, I see the runway and then all of a sudden it’s like we are taking off again and before I know it we’re in the clouds. About 10min later I think “oh there’s the runway again”....we are slowing down and the wheels are out to land and again the plane picks up speed and heads back up to nothingness. Now I started thinking that things were a little weird. Soon enough, about 20min after we were originally supposed to land the captain comes on the loud speaker saying “it was raining too hard to land we couldn’t see properly for it to be safe”. So we go to a close town somewhere in Texas and are waiting until the weather improves in Monterrey in hopes of making a safe landing there sometime tonight. Two things I am thinking: #1- I hope we eventually get to our destination, preferably tonight and #2- I wonder if it will be raining that hard this whole week, including race day?
This part of my blog post is coming to you from the tarmac somewhere in Texas.
Day#1 in Monterrey
Woke up and went grocery shopping, which is always interesting in Mexico. Then we went for a run in the park near our hotel. Although there is no sun to be seen the humidity makes you sweat pretty quickly. Soon after we had lunch a headed to a pool near our hotel. When I say pool I mean water that you can’t see through in a large basin. It was actually really good open water practise because there were no lane ropes! After that we had a team dinner at Chili’s and early bed!!
Day#2 in Monterrey
Did a morning ride on the course after brekky. It was pouring rain so that, plus race wheels , plus sharp corners isn’t a good combo but everyone managed to stay up! I found it funny that riding being soaking wet and dirty is much more enjoyable when you’re warm. Haha just taking a quick break and off the the “pool” for a swim, most likely in the rain. That’s it for now
-wear a helmet
Have a great race Alison!